Covid -19 update All Ovio Mindfulness and stress management workshops are now available online.




Ovio deep dive or teach mindfulness course checklist.

1. Set an intention for your learning.

Prepare an intention for why you want to teach (or learn) mindfulness and how you see your role as a mindfulness facilitator.

The preparation of this is as important as the content; it is a journey of self-discovery and self-revelation. Notice what comes up for you when you prepare to share your story. Notice any tendencies that arise to seek approval and acceptance rather than to be authentic.

Notice what arises in you when you begin to view yourself as a facilitator.

2. Prepare a special interest topic to discuss on the training

Find and express a piece of research, in your own words, based on the context you expect to be targeting (using) mindfulness training. e.g. workplace, sports, kids, wellness.

3. Get into the ‘Mindful Zone’ – journaling exercise (5mins)

Use the prompt below. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Invite and encourage your thoughts to flow. You may write about anything that comes to mind, even if it strays from the prompt. If you have nothing to write, then just keep writing “I have nothing to write.” Remember there is no right or wrong way to practice journaling. Keep writing until your time is up Mindfulness is…..

4. Intention object

Your favourite object, quote, poem, photo or anything you can think of that represents the mindfulness values of compassion, non judgement and acceptance to you (you’re welcome to choose more than one item). Have this/these items with you while you are on your journey with this Deep dive teach course as without these values mindfulness is not mindfulness 🙂

5. Watch at least two of the following videos

a. Visit the Ovio Website free resources section.
b. Click on “Talks and Articles” tab to view these recommended videos (Choose two that most appeal to you)

All it takes is 10 mindful minutes | Andy Puddicombe
Professor Mark Williams from Oxford University on the science of mindfulness.
Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness Google talk

Ellen Langer Mindfulness and leadership
A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer
Dan Harris 10% happier Talks at google

6. Download the presenter guide to use to make notes as you watch the Mindfulness one course videos. (The Mindfulness One course is the course you will be deep diving and learning to facilitate)

7. Watch all 3 sessions of the mindfulness one course.

8. Watch the How to facilitate videos.

Practise, practise, practise, in front of friends,family, pets, the mirror..

9. When you are ready to run your first course you might find the ‘Getting started running your own courses’ guide useful this is found in the ‘How to facilitate section of your dashboard.’

10. The training and marketing section is where you will find the powerpoint presentation which is made up of 52 slides.

Note there are 4 different downloads for the Ovio Mindfulness One course powerpoint. When you download these powerpoints you will notice that depending on the time slot the course is intended for, some or none of the slides will be hidden from view. These times are a guide only based on the time taken by myself and others to deliver the set slides.

Here is the full powerpoint.

You may opt to download the A3 slide cards to be printed (by a professional printer please) the use in place of the powerpoint.

11. You will find templated emails, marketing information and templates under the marketing tab.

12. Certification task

Please share a written or video response to the two prompts below. (there are no right or wrong answers an authentic reflection is all that is required)

Please describe a situation in which you used mindfulness in your own life and the outcome.

Please describe a situation where you shared mindfulness with someone else and the outcome.

Email your response to include your full delivery address in the email so we can send you your course certification and a copy of the beautiful 62 page Ovio Journal.