4 Hours | Start: 26 May 2018, 4:00 PM - End: 26 May 2018, 8:00 PM | $80


VENUE: New Plymouth - Venue TBC

Introduction to Mindfulness, Meditation & Stretching for Relaxation & Stress Relief.

Join us in our casual, light-hearted and judgement free environment to learning about, and practice mindfulness.  This Saturday session will be based on lessons to help you to relax and relieve stress and tension.  We will also do some meditations and gentle movement to assist with teaching you how to live a better quality of life.

Dinner is included in the cost.

There is also a Sunday session that I have set up as a separate event that will have us working on mindfulness, meditation and gentle movements for Self-Compassion, Clarity of Mind and Stress Relief.  You are more than welcome to come to both workshops and there is also an option to stay overnight at a lovely venue that is just a few minutes walk from the world famous Taranaki coastal walkway, please contact me for more information.



Lisa CooperOvio Mindfulness Accreditation, Diploma in Professional Coaching, Certificate in Health & Wellbeing Coaching, Diploma in Recreational Management, Sports Training & Development.

Mindful Health & Fitness for the Body, Mind & Soul.

Hi, my name is Lisa Cooper. I have been taking fitness classes & personal training sessions for the past six years. I have always had an interest in fitness with sport being my passion since a very young age. This passion has taken me to national representative level, requiring dedication and commitment. I now bring these attributes to my business and the clients that entrust their well being to me.

Previously my focus has been on body fitness but over the past few years I have evolved into being more holistically aware and am now passionate about fitness for the body, mind and the soul as a whole unit. If we can work on all of these together, life can be something powerfully beautiful. This is what I want to share with you, I want to empower people to live happier and healthier lives.

Recently I have gained the Professional Certificate of Wellbeing Coaching, which includes knowledge on Psychology, Behaviour Change, Wellbeing Management & Health Coaching. I am currently studying the Diploma in Professional Coaching. Along with my other fitness qualifications, life experience and my Ovio Mindfulness Teacher Accreditation I feel that I can provide a valuable, life changing experience to anyone that is willing to learn.