3 hours | Start: 6 August 2018, 1:00 PM - End: 6 August 2018, 4:00 PM | $95
VENUE: Ovio Mindfulness Studio, Karori, Wellington
Enjoy an afternoon escape at our Mindfulness Beginner’s Retreat.
$95 includes a 1/2 day retreat, Ovio mindfulness journal, audio downloads and afternoon tea.
Our Ovio Mindfulness Beginner’s Retreat is an introduction to mindfulness and an amazing opportunity to relax, revitalise and connect with others whilst learning this powerful new life skill.
Evidence shows mindfulness enhances relationships, performance and wellbeing, and it has also been shown to help with a number of health concerns, to repair sleep and enhance energy levels.
In this course you will learn how to use powerful, yet simple mindfulness exercises to manage stress and emotional reactivity, connect with yourself, others and the community, and tap into your creativity.
With grounded everyday life examples, Ovio Mindfulness is evidence-based, practical and non-religious. It’s a fun and relaxed introduction to mindfulness and ongoing support is available.
PLUS we offer a 100% Money back guarantee
If you attend this workshop and it’s not up to your expectations, we’ll happily refund you 100% of the fee – no questions asked.
Learn powerful new skills that will help you…
- Improve concentration, focus and engagement
- Reduce stress and anxiety, feel more relaxed
- Gain greater self-awareness and confidence
- Increase your productivity and performance
- Enhance your relationships
- Feel more joy and happiness.
The course includes an Ovio Mindfulness journal and refreshments.
What is Mindfulness?
Secrets of the mind unveiled
The truth about multitasking
Mindful body scan exercise
Managing stress
Engaging fully in life
Dealing with difficult emotions
Mindful breathing exercise
Empathy and compassion
Mindfulness exercise
Integration and change
Who should attend?
Our Ovio beginner’s course is designed for anyone wanting to learn more about Mindfulness and enjoy its many benefits.
Will I just be sitting and meditating?
No not at all! The guided Mindfulness breathing exercises make up 10mins of each session and we sit in chairs.
Do I need to bring anything?
Just bring a pen you will be given an Ovio Mindfulness journal and workbook.
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in.
“So much of my life is rushing from one thing to another, this course helped me find strategies to step off the treadmill.” – Kate
“I really looked forward to my weekly mindfulness session and I really didn’t want it to end. I now feel more empowered to lead the life I have always wanted to live. I feel more me! “ – Bev
“Mindfulness has made parenting so much more rewarding. I am now able to enjoy my children for who they are…” – Nicole
“Just wanted to say a huge thank you for introducing me to mindfulness. I have found it to be valuable and indeed rewarding to be more aware and present. I am so much better at being focused on the things that are important, to be able to slow things down and consider the situation in front of me before acting. The mindfulness exercises certainly help de-clutter the head and help create clarity in what I do and how I behave.” – Sanj Kant
“Learning mindfulness has given me some control over those knee jerk reactions. Plus I slept really well after the classes!” – Julie

Cheryl StrawbridgeB.Sc. Dip RM.
Cheryl is an accredited mindfulness consultant and life coach, with a Bachelor’s degree in biochemistry, physiology and psychology.
In her 18 years working at large multinational corporations, Cheryl witnessed many colleagues and friends suffer from the impact of a fast-paced, stressful lifestyle. This inspired her to change her life direction, and complete further training in mindfulness and life coaching.
In 2013, Cheryl founded Ovio Mindfulness Solutions. Through Ovio, Cheryl’s mission is to teach people how to cut through the noise in their heads, to live with purpose and balance; allowing them to tap into their true potential. Cheryl has run mindfulness programs at medical and healthcare facilities, worked with businesses in the public and private sector, and coached a range of people from kids to corporate executives.
Cheryl also inspires audiences at schools and conferences around the country. An impassioned and engaging speaker, she combines her empathetic approach with her vision that a rich and fulfilling life is possible for everyone.
“Cheryl was an amazing facilitator of the course I just attended. Her manner and explanations flowing from our observations were truly insightful."
Cheryl lives in Karori, Wellington with her husband, three teenage kids, a cat and dog. She has an amazing zest for living life to the full, spending time in nature and being with family and friends.
B.Sc. Biochemistry, Physiology and Psychology.
Dip RM Diploma of Remedial medicine
Certified NLP Relationship coach
Certified Strategic intervention life coach
Accredited Mindfulness facilitator
NLP certified
Black belt in the martial art Zen do kai
SCUBA diving instructor
Personal meditation practice of 38 years